Abandoned Places Map UK

Explore the Abandoned Places Map UK: a guide to discovering hidden, abandoned locations across the UK for urbex enthusiasts and adventure seekers.

Looking for adventure or simply a mysterious atmosphere to explore? Abandoned places offer a unique and captivating experience. But how can you find them? Here are some tips to help you discover these forgotten gems.

Abandoned Places Map UK

Carte-urbex.com is a search facilitator for urbex practice, created by experienced enthusiasts within a legal company.

More concretely, we search for abandoned places all over the world, and we offer you the opportunity to purchase the GPS coordinates of these locations individually, by department, or by region, usable in Google Maps.

Join Facebook Groups and Browse Instagram

Social networks can be a real goldmine of information for finding urbex locations. You just need to join urbex Facebook groups in your region to find ideas for spots!

You can join our Facebook Group to post your explorations, your photos, or even to find an exploration partner!

Instagram is an ideal tool for discovering clues about urbex locations. By searching hashtags such as #urbex or #urbexalsace, you can easily find photos of abandoned places in your area. The authors of these posts sometimes provide additional hints about the location in their description. Make sure to check if the photo is associated with a specific location and analyze the hashtags and the text of the post. You will often find valuable clues this way.


It's surprising how much time we spend on our smartphones, sometimes forgetting to simply look up. We’ve all noticed abandoned places in our region at some point. Why not draw from childhood memories to find these spots? By walking around the streets of your area and paying attention, you might rediscover urbex spots that look familiar. Take the time to explore, and you will surely find hidden urbex treasures right under your nose!

Browse Urbex Blogs

A method you may have already used is searching for urbex blogs on the Internet. By browsing these blogs, you can find valuable clues about locations to explore. Some photos may contain subtle hints such as newspapers, invoices, or postcards that can help you pinpoint the exact location. To refine your search, don't hesitate to use terms like "urbex blog" followed by the name of your region. This will allow you to find concrete information on urbex spots to explore near you.

Spot Exchange

Exchanging urbex spots can be tempting, but it's important to do so respectfully. Asking others for information about a location can be annoying, especially if they already receive many requests. However, offering to share information can be an effective approach, as long as it's not overdone. Urban exploration relies on respect for other explorers and their privacy. Keeping this in mind helps maintain a supportive and respectful urbex community.

Browse Google News

With the growing interest in urban exploration, many media outlets are now covering this fascinating topic. For enthusiasts looking to discover new articles and stories about urbex, Google News is the ideal tool. Simply open Google, click on the "News" tab, and type keywords like "abandoned", "derelict", or "in ruins" into the search bar. To further refine your results, include the name of your city or region. You will be amazed at how easy it is to find fascinating urbex locations using this effective search method. Start exploring new urban horizons today!

Google Earth is Your Friend

We are all familiar with Google Earth, but perhaps we’re not in the habit of using it regularly. However, this tool can be extremely useful for discovering new places to explore. After launching Google Earth, take the time to browse the map and familiarize yourself with its features. If you have followed the steps explained above to find urbex spots but don’t yet know their exact location, Google Earth can help you locate them. Explore the area by zooming in on relevant zones and examining the map details. You might be surprised to find fascinating urbex spots that you hadn't noticed before.

Discover the best abandoned places with our maps !

Are you looking for the best urbex locations near you? Look no further! Whether you're a seasoned urban explorer or a curious hobbyist, our maps are full of abandoned places to explore. Discover our Maps !

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