Abandoned Sanatoriums in France: Forgotten Heritage of Urbex

Simone Weber Sanatorium

On there municipality from Lay-Saint-Christophe in Lorraine, the sanatorium Simone Weber, originally Sanatorium Spillmann , is one of the more former sanatoriums, built in there END from the 19th century and one of the more greats of Europe 1 France . At that time , tuberculosis would be responsible for a death on seven, and there disease would first be declared in industrialized urban environment and would spread into THE neighborhoods THE more poor of the city.

The building has summer transformed in hospital In THE 1970s before being closed And abandoned in 2006. Then the squatters have taken THE relay And A homeless y would be stay A moment , being made pass For THE ghost of tourists in quest for paranormal experiences. , while he would have could claim these offerings from of the hunters of ghosts .

Eugene Aram Sanatorium

It's a haunted place by excellence ! The former Eugène Aram sanatorium in Aquitaine is no more in activity , but he is not still disused, because THE material medical And THE armchairs of care is always there . In This place where modern architecture meet the old castle bourgeois , the chilling atmosphere created by there presence of many sick In THE pass East always present in you.

In fact , it was originally a domain private Who has was sold to the State in 1936 and transformed in center of treatment of tuberculosis . In THE 1960s , he East became A sanatorium , then a center medical , before being completely closed . The storm from 1999 to do a lot of damage , severely damaging THE park of domain , which does not have summer maintained Since her abandonment . This house of rest YOU will give certainly there flesh of chicken.

Michel Peiry Sanatorium

The Sanatorium Michel Peiry is located in Languedoc- Roussillon . It is in fact a sky pavilion, an open-air resting place, designed for children and adolescents . It is lost in the mountains and looks like a haunted house . Abandoned since its closure in 1995 , much of the furniture still remains inside , with broken doors and broken windows , the atmosphere is truly disturbing . The empty classrooms of the complex gave off a particularly gloomy atmosphere . It 's a horror film .

Still in the area , in Grau du Roi , another medical retirement home was abandoned and is now the subject of a demolition policy in order to transform it into a natural space . The problem is that there is only one building left in the complex : the old administrative building.

Dreux Sanatorium

Opened to the sick in the early 1930s , the Dreux Sanatorium is a vast complex of several hectares. At the time, it included a prophylaxis room with lazaretto and children 's pavilion , as well as the famous sanatorium itself. It is divided into 3 separate buildings . The sanatorium ended up closing in the 1960s , and the prevention house became a medical school , then a hospice for the terminally ill ... enough to send shivers down your spine !

It was also long believed that it was the site of many paranormal phenomena : slamming doors , patients bleeding for no reason ... Although the building is still standing on the outside, the exterior has been covered in graffiti . As for the interior, it is even more dilapidated . It was bought by the town hall of Dreux for a symbolic €1 in 1999, but is still disused.

Nestor Pirotte Sanatorium

In the middle of a forest on the Oise River in northern France , the Nestor Pirotte Sanatorium , originally known as the Angicourt Sanatorium , still looks great with its colorful facade and rather elegant architecture . However , much of the interior has been looted . It has two large buildings with a total area of ​​over 15,000 square meters .

In addition to dedicated treatment rooms and a morgue , it also offers relaxation rooms . In fact , you can see what a games room , a show room , etc. looks like . The wooded park , the magnificent architecture , the spacious and comfortable rooms made this sanatorium a " precious " place for the high society of the region in the 1900s . Sanatoriums were initially reserved for men , then for women.

It was then temporarily closed in 1945 and reopened some time later as a geriatric hospital . Finally , in 1999 , the former retirement home closed permanently .

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