Simone Weber Sanatorium
Eugene Aram Sanatorium
Michel Peiry Sanatorium
The Sanatorium Michel Peiry is located in Languedoc- Roussillon . It is in fact a sky pavilion, an open-air resting place, designed for children and adolescents . It is lost in the mountains and looks like a haunted house . Abandoned since its closure in 1995 , much of the furniture still remains inside , with broken doors and broken windows , the atmosphere is truly disturbing . The empty classrooms of the complex gave off a particularly gloomy atmosphere . It 's a horror film .
Still in the area , in Grau du Roi , another medical retirement home was abandoned and is now the subject of a demolition policy in order to transform it into a natural space . The problem is that there is only one building left in the complex : the old administrative building.
Dreux Sanatorium
Opened to the sick in the early 1930s , the Dreux Sanatorium is a vast complex of several hectares. At the time, it included a prophylaxis room with lazaretto and children 's pavilion , as well as the famous sanatorium itself. It is divided into 3 separate buildings . The sanatorium ended up closing in the 1960s , and the prevention house became a medical school , then a hospice for the terminally ill ... enough to send shivers down your spine !
It was also long believed that it was the site of many paranormal phenomena : slamming doors , patients bleeding for no reason ... Although the building is still standing on the outside, the exterior has been covered in graffiti . As for the interior, it is even more dilapidated . It was bought by the town hall of Dreux for a symbolic €1 in 1999, but is still disused.
Nestor Pirotte Sanatorium
In the middle of a forest on the Oise River in northern France , the Nestor Pirotte Sanatorium , originally known as the Angicourt Sanatorium , still looks great with its colorful facade and rather elegant architecture . However , much of the interior has been looted . It has two large buildings with a total area of over 15,000 square meters .
In addition to dedicated treatment rooms and a morgue , it also offers relaxation rooms . In fact , you can see what a games room , a show room , etc. looks like . The wooded park , the magnificent architecture , the spacious and comfortable rooms made this sanatorium a " precious " place for the high society of the region in the 1900s . Sanatoriums were initially reserved for men , then for women.