Urbex Map Slovakia - Urbex Mapa Slovensko

Découvrez tous les lieux abandonnés que nous avons répertoriés en Slovaquie sur une carte simple et pratique.

• Plus de 10 coordonnées.
• Accès immédiat après achat.
• Accès illimité dans le temps.
• Mises à jour gratuites
Checkout Secure

Description 🇫🇷

The Urbex Map Slovakia (Slovakia-Slovensko) 2025 is the result of all our research and collected information. With more than 10 coordinates of abandoned places listed throughout the country, this map is a real goldmine for urban exploration enthusiasts.

Our carefully selected VIP locations are exclusively accessible via this card, offering a unique and privileged experience to our members.

We do everything we can to enrich our urbex map by regularly adding new places and making relevant updates, guaranteeing you an ever richer and more varied exploration.

How do I access my card?

You have access to your card immediately after your purchase. No delay or validation is necessary, our system is fully automated.

You will receive an email containing your map in digital format, compatible with Google Maps and Google Earth , whether on smartphone or computer. This format offers you a quick and practical consultation during your explorations, with precise GPS coordinates for each site.

Places available on my map?

◉ Castles - Manors - Villas - Sanatoriums

◉ Houses - Schools - Hotels - Restaurants

◉ Churches - Cinemas - Nightclubs - Hospitals

◉ Factories - Stations - Barracks - Bunkers

Regular updates

When you buy a map, you get free lifetime updates . With our regular updates sent by email, you can discover the latest urbex locations added, check which sites are now inaccessible, and much more.

These updates are based on your feedback , that of our partners and our own research/explorations. However, if you report a rehabilitated or demolished location to us, with proof (photos, press articles, etc.), you are eligible for 2 free locations of your choice.


◉ Equip yourself properly and take all safety measures.

◉ Do not break in.

Do not steal or damage anything.

Respect the laws in force.


Popis 🇸🇰

Mapa Urbex Slovakia (Slovakia-Slovako) 2025 i výsledkom celého nášho výskumu a zozbieraných informácií. S viac ako 10 súradnicami opustených miest po celej krajine je táto mapa skutočnou zlatou baňou pre fanúšikov mestského prieskumu.

If you start the VIP service, you will be able to choose the most suitable card, but you will have to take advantage of it.

Robíme všetko, čo je v našich silách, aby sme obohatili našu mapu urbex pravidelným pridávaním nových miest a vykonávaním relevantných aktualizácií, ktoré vám zaručia stále bohatšie a pestrejšie objavovanie.

What about your card?

K svojej karte máte prístup ihneď po nákupe. Neither I can do one-skorenie ani overovanie, no system I plne automatizovaný.

Send your e-mail to your map in a digital format, compatible with Google Maps and Google Earth , which you can use on your smart phone. Tento format you can use it to use the correct location for your location.

Dostupné miesta na mojej mape?

◉ Zámky - Kaštiele - Vily - Sanatóriá

◉ Domy - Školy - Hotely - Reštaurácie

◉ Kostoly - Kiná - Nočné kluby - Nemocnice

◉ Fabriky - Stanice - Kasárne - Bunkre

Latest updates

Please note that the card must be activated . We will send you a message to send an e-mail message to the user by sending a message to the user.

This activity depends on the location of the location, the location of the location of the partner, and the origin of the system. And then you have to take a look at the image of the photo (photograph, click on the image at the same time.), but then you will see 2 photos of the camera.


◉ But it should be possible to avoid any possible opatrenia.

◉ Unleash your spirit.

◉ No need to worry.

◉ Rešpektujte platné zákony.


The description 🇬🇧

The Urbex Slovakia-Slovensko 2025 Map is the result of all our research and information collected. With more than 10 coordinates listed across the country, this map is a real gold mine for fans of urban exploration.

Our carefully selected VIP locations are exclusively accessible via this card, offering a unique and privileged experience to our members.

We are committed to enhancing our urbex map by regularly adding new locations and making relevant updates , ensuring you a continually richer and more varied exploration experience.

How do I access my card?

You have access to your card immediately after your purchase. No need to wait for us to validate anything, the system has been fully automated.

You will receive an email containing your map in a digital format, compatible with Google Maps and Google Earth , whether on your smartphone or computer. This format provides quick and convenient access during your explorations, with precise GPS coordinates for each site.

Places available on my map?

◉ Castles - Mansions - Sanatoriums - Villas

◉ Houses - Schools - Hotels - Restaurants

◉ Churches - Factories - Barracks - Bunkers

◉ Cinemas - Nightclubs - Hospitals -
Train Stations

Regular updates

With the purchase of a map, you enjoy lifetime free updates . Thanks to our regular updates sent via email, you can discover the latest urbex locations added, check which sites are no longer accessible, and much more.

These updates are based on your feedback, input from our partners, and our own research/explorations. However, if you report a rehabilitated or demolished location with proof (photos, news articles, etc.), you will be eligible to receive two free locations of your choice.


◉ Pay attention that there is no danger.

◉ Does not break in.

◉ Do not steal anything.

◉ Do not degrade the place.