Halabi Castle, a symbol of a rich historical past, has been marked by the ravages of time as well as by the destructive actions of looters, vandals and other unscrupulous individuals. The traces of these acts are visible, notably with the fire that damaged part of the second floor.

The origins of the castle date back to ancient times, with some parts attributed to the time of Emperor Tiberius. Over the centuries, it has witnessed multiple transformations, housing in turn a retirement home for top athletes, then being transformed into a holiday center. However, in 2004, the castle was abandoned, leaving behind a rich past but also a certain desolation.

Halabi Castle
Surrounded by a five-hectare park, dotted with majestic, century-old trees, Château Halabi continues to fascinate despite its state of abandonment. Its name resonates in memories, recalling a bygone era but still present in the collective imagination.

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