The story of the Devil's Clinic is both captivating and distressing. Once a luxury hotel where the most influential men and women in Europe rubbed shoulders, this place with the sinister name is now reduced to ruins. It was built in the late 19th century, near the border between France and the German Empire.

devil clinic

Tossed between the two warring powers during the First World War, the sumptuous building, the target of incessant bombing, sank into ruin. It rose from its ashes in 1926, no longer as a luxury hotel, but as a refuge for tuberculosis patients. At that time, clean air and sunshine were considered the primary remedies against tuberculosis.

Despite the ravages of World War II, the clinic continued to welcome patients for decades. In the early 2010s, it was converted into a medical center before being finally abandoned. Since then, the building has slowly suffered the ravages of time, as well as the looting and destruction perpetrated by its clandestine visitors.

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