Come find out how to give up next to me in Italy
I found myself in Italy for fare urbex (urban exploration) that can create a fascinating and interesting story. L'Italia is the ancient city of Borghese, a fabulous city, an abbandonate city and a persino castelli in rovina. Ecco una guida su come trovare luoghi abbandonati vicino a te in Italia en modo sicuro e rispettoso.
1. United Community of Urbex and Forum Italiani
These are various online communities and forums dedicated to all of Europe in Italy.
- Forum di Esplorazione Urbana : Forum like Urbex Italia or Vanished Italy hosts many discussions that are located in Italia, with their location in the various regions. Please note that these photos are included, explained and suggested on the terms and conditions of access.
- Reddit : Subreddit like r/urbanexploration and r/Italia spesso ospitano discussioni su luoghi abbandonati in Italia. There are lots of images, stories and suggestions that suggest something interesting.
- Group Facebook : This group is like "Urbex Italia" or "Esplorazioni Urbane Italia" on Facebook. This group allows you to meet other Italian explorers, provide information and participate in eventual organized events.
2. Utiliza Mappe Satellite e Strumenti di Mappatura
Instruments such as Google Maps and Google Earth are ideal for individual users and can be accessed through satellite images. You can close the zone with insulated buildings or suffer from deterioration and growing vegetation.
- Google Maps and Google Earth : Use the satellite view to identify buildings isolated from the Earth. Passing the Street View mode is available to view a larger image.
- Bing Maps and OpenStreetMap : In other words, like Bing Maps or OpenStreetMap, you can add pictures or other details to your account, like building links to your community.
- Regional Map : All Italian regions offer detailed maps of the territory. For example, the National Map Portal or National Geographic Portal offers detailed maps of rural and urban areas, used for individual buildings or abandoned buildings.
3. Consulta Archivi Storici e Siti di Patrimonio Culturale
Much of what happened in Italy has its historical value and its heritage as a cultural heritage . Gli archivi storie e web site del patrimonio culturale sono un'ottima risorsa per scoprire luoghi abbandonati o poco conosciuti.
- Soprint and Site of Cultural Heritage : The list of blessed culturali of the Ministry of Culture includes edifici storici, many of the quality of its chiusi or abbandonati. You can find information about your city, castle and industrial structure.
- Inventario dei Beni Culturali : Every Italian region has an inventory of blessed culturali which is possible to find if you are interested in history, but it is partially accessible or abandoned.
- Industrial Patrimonio and Industrial Archeology : Alcune italian city preserved with industrial stabiliment or abandoned mineral structure. Any of the structure is accessible or accessible to the public for visits, such as the Vecchie Fabbriche Tessili in the Biellese or the Mining in Sardegna.
4. Control the Local Notification and Municipal Registry
The local notification may provide you with information about your failure, in particular if there is a security problem or if there is a problem with your qualification. Consult the local information and real estate registry to be interested.
- Information and Location of Local Notifications : Ricerca termini comes “abbandonato,” “fatiscente,” “chiuso” or “in rovina” in the name of your city or region. The local notice is specific to the building history that is missing.
- Registri Comunali : Alcuni comuni pubblicano elenchi di immobili in stato di abbandono o in disuso. Consult your local community or your local community, please contact us for this information which is available to the public.
5. App and Site of Photography for Urban Explorers
This app and web site have photos and urban explorers that share images of your location, including the coordinates where they are located.
- App di Luoghi Abbandonati : App comes Abandoned Places o Urbex People presentano database di luoghi abbandonati, e molti includono luoghi in Italia. You can view photos and leave comments on others to find new ideas.
- Instagram and Photo App : Some hashtags like #abandoneditaly, #urbexitalia or #luoghiabbandonati to find photos of explorers when you visit this post. The following photos are labeled in the position, and are subject to tracking.
6. Esplora Rovine e Siti Storici Accessibili al Pubblico
If you prefer to hope for public accessibility, Italy is the place of the day and its history, pure essendo aperti, preserving the atmosphere of the abbandono.
- Archaeological Sites and Castles in Rovina : The Italian region offers access to the ancient cities, castles and monasteries that have been preserved by abandoned fascism. Luoghi like the rovine of Canale Monterano in Lazio or the Castello of Roccascalegna in Abruzzo is accessible to visitors.
- Parchi e Aree Protette : Alcuni parchi naturali in Italia ospitano vecchi borghi o resti di edifici abbandonati, like il Parco Nazionale del Cilento e Vallo di Diano, dove ci sono vecchi borghi in rovina.
- Borghi Abbandonati : L'Italia has many borghi abbandonati, especially in the rural region. Luoghi comes Craco in Basilicata or Bussana Vecchia in Liguria its popular tra gli exploreri and accessible legally.
7. Connections with Altri Exploratori Locali
Connettersi con altri urbani esploratori è uno dei modi migliori per scoprire new posti. You can find more information and get more information about your knowledge.
- Eventi e Ritrovi Urbex : Alcuni gruppi di urbex in Italia organizzano eventi o incontri per esplorare en compagnia. Participate in this event to allow you to recognize other interests and visit your new destination.
- Club di Fotografia e Associazioni Culturali : Molte associazioni culturali e club fotografici conoscono luoghi abbandonati locali. Registered with a photography club or a storage association you can access your user information.
Following these suggestions, you may find that you visit your home in Italy in a safe and sound mode, if you experience the emotion of your visit you will compromise your safety or your visit. Buona exploration!