This is a question that most new people who start urbex always ask themselves.

Is it legal to explore abandoned buildings? The answer is not always yes or no.

Most of the places we explore are restricted to public access. Even if the location is clearly abandoned , most of the time there is an owner. Even if the building is not fenced or has no “No Trespassing” signs. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t belong to anyone .

To break into an abandoned place without the owner's permission , means you are trespassing. So yes it is illegal.

Is urbex legal?

But that's not always the case. There are several places that are freely accessible to the public that are also abandoned. In that case, no, it's not illegal to enter and explore.

You don't have to break the law to do urbex.

If you want to stay on the safe side , before you make your way into an abandoned building you want to explore, do a quick search first. Just to make sure you're not entering illegally.

You can avoid getting into trouble with a simple 5-minute Google search.

Often, you can even ask the owners of an abandoned building if you can come in and take a look around. You could say that you are an amateur photographer or historian and just want to document the place. Sometimes, the owners will grant you permission to go in directly.

Discover the best urbex locations with our maps!

Are you looking for the best urbex locations near you? Look no further! Whether you’re a seasoned urban explorer or a curious amateur, our maps are full of abandoned places to explore. Discover our maps!

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