The Émile Louis Orphanage, built in 1906, has had a turbulent history since its construction. Initially intended to accommodate orphans, it quickly faced financial difficulties, which were aggravated during the First World War. During this conflict, the orphanage and its owner accumulated significant debts.

In 1939, with the outbreak of World War II, the orphanage was abandoned and requisitioned by the Germans to serve as a prison camp. After the war, it came under the responsibility of the national education system, becoming a training center for future sports teachers. However, in 1947, it was abandoned again.

emile louis orphanage

In 1952, it was given a new purpose as part of a group of University Hospitals (CHU). It mainly functioned as a retirement home, also welcoming people convalescing. However, as maintenance and heating costs became prohibitive, it was abandoned in 1992.

Since then, the castle has been abandoned, and its state of disrepair has worsened considerably. Despite this, it continues to attract attention, including that of an airsoft company that recently took it over. However, the site is now under surveillance and has been condemned, making any visit dangerous and illegal.

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