Top 5 of the Best Sites of Urbex Imprescindibles around Cantabria

Discover the Top 5 of the best places in Urbex around Cantabria: unforgettable places for lovers of urban exploration!

Cantabria, famous for its green landscapes, its mountains and its steep coast, is also a territory full of history and mystery. Between its hidden enchantments, the abandoned hotel region captures the imagination of the lovers of the Urbex (urban exploration). From ancient factories and sanatoriums to historic military buildings, Cantabria offers a wide variety of places to enjoy adventures and beauty in decadence. In continuation, we present to you the five best sites of Urbex in Cantabria that we can lose.

1. El Balneario de La Magdalena (Solares)

Located in the town of Solares, the Balneario de La Magdalena is one of the most luxurious spa centers in Cantabria. After the finals of the 19th century building were surrounded for various decades, the old building was in ruins. In large living rooms, marble floors and columns have deteriorated their testimony to their pasado splendor. Perfect for Urbex lovers who can lose elegance in abandonment.

2. The Galdames Explosive Factory

On the border with Cantabria, within the borders of Vasco Country, is located the Galdames Explosive Factory , an ancient plant that is in operation for the better part of siglo XX. Abandoned over many decades, industrial structures and old buildings create an unsettling and surreal atmosphere, ideal for exploration.

3. El Sanatorio de Aliva (Picos de Europa)

Escondido en los majestuosos Picos de Europa, este sanatorio fue construido a principios del siglo XX para tratar enfermos de tuberculosis. Although it is difficult to access its location in the mountains, the Sanatorio de Aliva is one of the most impressive sites in the region. The surrounding natural landscape, together with the deterioration of the building, offers a unique experience of soledad and misterio.

4. El Antiguo Cuartel de Santoña

In the coastal town of Santoña there is an ancient military culture dating from the principles of the XX century. This building, which served as a military base for decades, has been completely abandoned, has lost its vacant homes, ancient barraconets and vestiges of its original function. Its cercanía al mar and el aire salino que corroe las structures le dan un toque particularlymente especial.

5. El Pueblo Abandonado de Bárcena Mayor

Although we are a completely abandoned site, Bárcena Mayor is one of the most ancient villages of Cantabria and has some abandoned constructions that tell the stories of past times. Located in the heart of the Saja-Besaya Natural Park, this small enclave preserves the enchantment of the rural life of yesteryear and offers urban explorers the opportunity to travel by practically deserted roads.


Cantabria and its other authors share authentic tales for Urbex aficionados, offering a unique combination of history, natural and abandoned. From balnearios to ruins to sanatorios in the mountains, these places invite explorers to discover a different side of this hermosa region. Because you can see the mistery and beauty in the old man, these five places in Urbex in Cantabria are impossible to miss on your list of adventures.

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