Top 5 of the Best Sites of Urbex Imprescindibles in Asturias

Discover the Top 5 of the best places in Urbex around Asturias: unforgettable places for lovers of urban exploration!

Asturias, known for its green landscapes, imponent mountains and rugged coasts, also has a more hidden and mysterious facet: abandoned places that invite the adventurers of the Urbex to explore. With an industrial and mining history, the region is full of ancient sites that contain historical past. From abandoned mines to ruined factories, Asturias is a paradise for lovers of urban exploration. We present to you the five best locations in Urbex in Asturias that we cannot lose.

1. Arnao Mines

These mines, located on the coast of the municipality of Castrillón, are one of the prime carbon mines in Spain. Abandoned for decades, the galleries and structures of the mine offered a surrealist landscape, where nature came to reclaim the land. Is an ideal place to explore the industrial heritage of Asturias.

2. Trubia Explosive Factory

In the Oviedo rivers, this ancient explosive factory was found, which was considered an important paper in the industrial history of the region. Over the years, the place is home to large industrial ships, oxidized structures and abandoned machines. It's a fascinating place to explore a post-industrial scenario full of history.

3. Bustiello Sanatorium

In the Valle de Turón, there is the Sanatorio de Bustiello , built on the principles of siglo XX to treat the mines enclosed in the area. Abandoned for several decades, the building was built in stone with its ruined steps and vacant dwellings that offered an unsettling but fascinating atmosphere. Its deteriorating architecture and its history have become an imperdible destiny for the lovers of the Urbex.

4. Castillete de la Mina de Soton

Situated in the heart of the Asturian mine basin, it was definitively confirmed in 2014. Its iconic castillete, which is still important, is a symbol of the historic mine of Asturias. The abandoned buildings and the ancient infrastructure mine have this location where they are a place of industrial history and nostalgia.

5. Loza de San Claudio Factory

In the villages of Oviedo, the San Claudio loaf factory is famous for the quality of its pork. More than a company of activity, the factory opened its doors in 2009. Hoy en día, las naves vacías y los hornos en desuso offere un escenario desolador pero lleno de encanto para quienes buscan explorar el pasado industrial de Asturias.


Asturias, with its industrial and mining pastures, is a fascinating place for urban explorers. These abandoned sites do not only offer a window on the pasado, but also a unique experience for those enjoying the Urbex . From my factory, every time I found a story that was lost in my time and I hope to be rediscovered. If you are a lover of adventure and exploration, these locations in Asturias cannot be missed on your list of visits.

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