Top 5 of Migliori Siti di Urbex Imperdibili a Genova

Scopri i 5 migliori siti di urbex a Genova: luoghi abbandonati e imperdibili per gli appassionati di esplorazioni urbane, tra fascino e mistero!

Genova, a portual city rich in history and culture, offers many of its characteristic features and monuments. Traverse the hill and the coastline if you don't know if you abandon the city's industrial and military pass. This is a wonderful, decadent fascination, with the perfect attraction for Urbex lovers (urban exploration), a suggestive atmosphere and unexpected scenario. Scoprire Genova atraverso i suoi spazi abbandonati means esplorare un lato meno conosciuto, ma altrettanto affascinante, di questa città. But five migliori at Urbex in Genova cannot be lost.

1. Ex Ospedale Psichiatrico di Quarto

L' Ex Ospedale Psichiatrico di Quarto is one of the most emblematic of urban explorers in Genova. Aperto nel 1894 et chiuso negli anni '90, l'ospedale showed an important point of reference to the psychology of the era. Oggi, multi edifici sono in rovina, con longhe corsie vuote, stanze deserte e segni tangibili del tempo pasato. The atmosphere is unsettling and fascinating at all times, perfect for its urban exploration of history and mistery.

2. Forte Begato

The architecture of Genova is located in Forte Begato , a fortification built in the 19th century to protect the city. However, it is not completely abandoned, the loud sound remains in the state of deterioration, it is ripely invaded by the vegetation and it is still visible in the story of a military pass. The panoramic view of the city and sea makes the exploration of the light even more exciting for those who enjoy the Urbex and the military history.

3. Villa Rosazza (Forte Crocetta)

Villa Rosazza , also known as Forte Crocetta , is a splendid location located on the Genovesi hill. Built in the 18th century, the villa suffered a slow deterioration in its years, with a symbol of decadence and lost beauty. I grew up in a living room, I grew up in my garden and the beauty of my life in the room, offering a nostalgic atmosphere and the charm of fascino. It's an imperdibile touch for you to explore a historic city in the city.

4. Ex Fabbrica Piaggio (Sestri Ponente)

In the district of Sestri Ponente , the Ex Fabbrica Piaggio is one of its largest symbols of the Genovese industry. Over the last decade, the factory has been a major industrial company since, with capannoni arrugginiti and macchinari fermi. Gli ampi spazi vuoti e l'atmosfera post-industriale creano un ambiente ideale para gli gli exploratori urbani che cercano di immersi nell'archeologia industriale di Genova.

5. Forte Quezzi

Il Forte Quezzi , known locally as "il Biscione" per its forma, is an other fortification located within the height of Genova. Built as part of the city's residential system, it is strong in the road, with its structure accessible only to explorers and adventurers. The desolate atmosphere and the panoramic view of the city and the sea make it a fascinating place for exploration.


Genova, with its rich and complete pass, is a city that offers great appeal from Urbex . Dai forti militari alle ville nobiliari in rovina, passando per ospedali psichiatrici e fabbriche dismesse, ogni sito racconta una storia di decadenza e abbandono, offerendo un'esperienza unique e suggestiva. Exploring what you want to do means immersing yourself in a tempo travel, dove the story and the mistero si fondono, regalando emozioni dimenticabili.

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