Top 5 of Migliori Siti di Urbex Imperdibili a Torino

Scopri i 5 migliori siti di urbex a Torino: luoghi abbandonati e imperdibili per gli passionati di esplorazioni urbane, tra fascino e mistero!

Torino, a city of great historical and industrial fascination, is also one of the most fascinating places for lovers of the Urbex (urban exploration). Between its baroccan architecture and its famous museums, the Piemontese city has a history of industry and decadence of its most iconic structure. Exploring my location in Torino means immersing yourself in a world of mistery and fascination, dove the fabric, visited and built storied history. However, five migliori are located at Urbex in Torino and cannot be lost.

1. Former CEAT Factory

The CEAT , the tire manufacturer's manufacturer, is one of the symbols of the Torino industrial pass. Located in the neighborhood of Borgo San Paolo, this huge factory was built in the 1980s and was built in the 1980s. The vast industrial area, I macchinari abbandonati and the post-apocalyptic atmosphere attracts many urban explorers. It's a perfect way to have a hope of the Urbex legata in the history of the Torinese industry.

2. Valentino Hospital

The Ospedale al Valentino is a former psychiatric hospital located in the Valentino park, one of the most beautiful green areas in the city. It was negli anni '70, l'edificio è rimasto in stato di abbandono per decenni. I saw and the deserted stanze, even all the story worried about the circolano on its passato, made this one very attractive for the appassionati of urban exploration in a cup of atmosphere and mistery.

3. Former Collegno Manicomio

Situato a pochi chilometri da Torino, l' ex manicomio di Collegno è uno dei luoghi abbandonati more fámosi della zona. Built in the 19th century, this hugely complex project was built in the 1970s. Molte delle structure sono en rovina, ma le edificio principale ei padiglioni abbandonati offerrono ancora uno safe affascinante sur l’passato della psychiatria Italiana. La sua fama è amplificata slab numeroso leggende che lo circumdano, rendendolo una tappa imperdibile per l'Urbex.

4. The Leumann Villa

Il Villaggio Leumann is an ancient colony opera built at the end of the 19th century. It is part of the villa and has an old abitato, molded from its structure, including the original fabric of the fabric, its state abbandonate. The villa is a fascinating example of industrial archeology and utopian architecture. Passeggiando tra le case e gli edifici in disuso, si può percepire la storia di una comunità operaia che ha segnato unepoca.

5. The Avio Track of Fiat Lingotto

Il Lingotto , one of the largest Fiat manufacturers, has a symbol of the industrial pass of Torino. Once the building has been restored and converted into a commercial and entertainment center, the track for motoring on all sides is fully intact and offers a surreal scenario. But this is not completely abandoned, but this structure has been designed by the lover of the Urbex for its unique story and its futuristic design.


Torino, with its industrial history and its fascinating history, is a city that offers many opportunities for the Urbex attraction. Dalle fabbriche dissesse agli ospedali psichiatrici abbandonati, ogni angolo nasconde un pezzo di storia che awaitede di essere esplorato. This five sites reflect the meglio of the decadent urban fascinator that the city has to offer. If I am a lover of urban exploration, Torino will enjoy a unique and indimentable experience of mysteries, stories and adventures.

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