Top 5 of Migliori Siti di Urbex Imperdibili in Italia

Scopri i 5 migliori siti di urbex in Italia: luoghi abbandonati e imperdibili per gli appassionati di esplorazioni urbane, tra fascino e mistero!

L'Italia, famous for its history, art and culture, also offers a series of abbandonati che recounted stories affascinanti and misteriose del passato. For my lovers of the Urbex (urban exploration), this one offers the possibility of exploring a variety of Italy, fatta di palaces decadenti, fabricate dismesse and antichi ospedali che hanno resistito al passare del tempo. From north to south, there are some things you need to know, but the dimensions are just what you're looking for. There are five migliori in Urbex in Italy that cannot be lost.

1. Manicomio di Mombello (Limbiate, Lombardia)

One of the most famous and worried people of the Urbex in Italy is the Manicomio di Mombello , located in the province of Monza and Brianza. Built in the 19th century, this ex-psychiatry hospital is one of the greatest in Europe. It was not until the '70s that it happened in the city, along with the corridors of graffiti, it was abandoned and a dense atmosphere of mistero. Exploring this location is a journey into the Italian psychiatric history.

2. Il Villaggio Industriale di Crespi d'Adda (Bergamo, Lombardia)

Il Villaggio di Crespi d'Adda is an ancient villaggio opera built at the end of the 19th century to inspire the labor of a large textile fabricator. And yet it is part of the villaggio and its abitato, molte delle fabrication and delle abitazioni sono abbandonate and offer a unique hope that is of interest to all industrial archaeology. Crespi d'Adda is also a UNESCO heritage site, it has a fascinating history that has so much to do with its history and heritage.

3. Ospedale al Mare (Lido di Venezia, Veneto)

L' Ospedale al Mare , located on the Lido di Venezia, is a sanitary complex built in the 20th century and abandoned in '90. Gli edifici sono in rovina, con padiglioni vuoti e reparti medici abbandonati che evocano una sensazione di decadente bellezza. This one is particularly interesting for my photography and the appeal of Urbex that has a unique atmosphere in a historic and maritime context.

4. The Villa of Vecchi (Cortenova, Lombardia)

Known as well as the "Casa Rossa", the Villa de Vecchi was a sign built in 1857 by the De Vecchi family. The villa was abandoned by the death of the owner and was born of the number of legends of fantasy. With its imponent architecture and its decadent interior, the villa is a symbol of Gothic fascination and a perfect way to explore the dark and mysterious atmosphere.

5. Il Castello di Sammezzano (Tuscany)

Located in Toscana, the Castello di Sammezzano is a palazzo in the style of the late 19th century. Sebbene the castle if its chiuso and abbandonato of anni, it is famous for its internal straordinary decoration, with stanze of its vibrant colors and intricate piastrelle che ricordano l'Alhambra di Granada. The castle is surrounded by a vast park, and access to it is limited, it is one of the most popular sites in Italy.


Italy, with its immensity of historical heritage, is also a paradise for Urbex 's affections, thanks to its numerosi if it is abandoned by its detailed history. Da manicomi a castell, passando per fabbriche e ville signorili, questi luoghi offerrono una prospettiva unica sulla decadenza et la bellezza del tempo che passa. If she is a lover of urban exploration, this five places in Italy offer an indimentable hope, full of adventure, mistero and scoperta.

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