Scopri i 5 migliori siti di urbex in Liguria: luoghi abbandonati e imperdibili per gli appassionati di esplorazioni urbane, tra fascino e mistero!
La Liguria, known for its picturesque coast, the historic city and the incantuous borghi, is one of the most fascinating things for its love of the Urbex (urban exploration). Tra the hill and the Ligurian valley, I'm sure, if you find yourself abandoning your story of an industrial and military pass, very dimenticato, che attracts urban explorers. Dai forti militari en rovina alle vecchie fabbriche dismesse, questi luoghi offerrono un mix de decadenza e fascino, invitando a scoprire un lato diverso di questa regionale costiera. There are five migliori in Urbex in Liguria that cannot be lost.
1. Ex Ospedale Psichiatrico di Quarto (Genova)
Uno dei luoghi more iconici per gli appassionati di Urbex in Liguria è l' Ex Ospedale Psichiatrico di Quarto . Aperto nel 1894, this hospital hospital was hospitalized by my patients until it was born in '90. Oggi, large part of the complex is in rovina, with long corridor seen and stanze abbandonate che offers a disturbing atmosphere. Explore what it means to immerse yourself in a tormented passato, dove la decadenza architetonica recount the story of comfort and isolation.
2. Forte San Giovanni (Ligurian Finale)
Located on the hill above Finale Ligure , Forte San Giovanni is a fort built in the 17th century to protect the Ligurian territory. If you leave the strong side, you should be careful, the other sections of the sound are in state of abandonment, with the direction and passage you need. The vegetable has started to claim the wood, making it a paradise for those who hope for military rovine. Furthermore, it offers a spectacular view of the sea and surrounding hills.
3. Ex Fabbrica ILVA (Cornigliano, Genova)
La Ex Fabbrica ILVA di Cornigliano is a symbol of the industrial pass of Genova. This gigantic acciaieria, a tempo one of the main fonti of the city's water, is ora in large parte abbandonata. I can see, I have seen many things arrugginiti and the vast industrial area dismesse offers a unique hope of industrial archeology. Gli esploratori urbani troveranno qui un perfecto mix tra decadenza e modernità, con numerosi spazi da esplorer.
4. Il Villaggio Abbandonato di Bussana Vecchia (Sanremo)
Bussana Vecchia is an abandoned village that is near Sanremo . Distrutto da moto in 1887, the villa was disabitato per decade, eventually when the negli anni '60 came partially ripopolato da arti e artigiani. Everything, in this case and square, surrounds you, creating a unique atmosphere of decadence and artistic beauty. Oggi Bussana Vecchia è una meta popolare per chi ama ama esplorare luoghi affascinanti dove la tempo sembra essersi fermeto.
5. Forte Santa Tecla (Imperia)
Il Forte Santa Tecla , located in Imperia, is a fort built in the 18th century to defend the Ligurian coast. It is in the state of the garden and the sound structure is closed in the road, with the vegetation closing and the tunnel being inaccessible. Even though it deteriorated, it still retained a mysterious fascination that attracted urban explorers. The strategic position on the coast and the view on the sea make it an imperdibile light for you to hope for against fortifications.
La Liguria, with its millennial history and its variegated history, offers a number of sites that reflect an irresistible metamorphosis for its Urbex appassionati. Slab of military fortifications all over the world, which narrated a story of the decade and history, offering a unique hope for which I discovered the fascination of this region. If you're an urban explorer, you'll find five places in Liguria that will please you and make your own adventure
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