Top 5 of Migliori Siti di Urbex Imperdibili in Lombardia

Scopri i 5 migliori siti di urbex in Lombardia: luoghi abbandonati e imperdibili per gli appassionati di esplorazioni urbane, tra fascino e mistero!

Lombardy, one of the richest and most industrialized regions of Italy, is noted for its modern and dynamic city like Milano, but it is also a darker and fascinating place for the lovers of the Urbex (urban exploration). In the heart of the country, abandoned city and health structure, Lombardia offers a vast range of abandoned sites that share the history of industrial and cultural history of the region. Exploring this dimenticati is a fascinating journey in the tempo, dove story and mistero if intrecciano. Ecco i cinque migliori siti di Urbex in Lombardia che non puoi perderti.

1. Manicomio di Mombello (Limbiate)

Il Manicomio di Mombello , situato a Limbiate, è uno dei luoghi more iconici per gli appassionati di Urbex in Lombardia. This huge psychiatric hospital, at the end of the 19th century, was born in the '70s, and it was at the heart of the patient. Oggi, molte delle su su strutture sono in rovina, con longhi corridoi e stanze che evocano anmosfere disquietanti. The local legend and the passage of darkness of the handle do not have an imperdibile light for urban explorers in certain strong emotions.

2. La Fabbrica Ex-Carlo Erba (Milano)

In the heart of Milano, if found the Ex Fabbrica Carlo Erba , a time one of the most important stabilimenti farmaceutici d'Italia. The factory, abandoned by the decade, is a classic example of industrial archaeology. Gli edifici in rovina, the vecchie attrezzature and grew up to offer a unique and decadent atmosphere. This location is particularly popular following the photos that are scorched and suggestive of the rest of the industrial pass in Milan.

3. Il Grand Hotel Campo dei Fiori (Varese)

Located on the Varese hillside, the Grand Hotel Campo dei Fiori is a maestro struttura abbandonata at a time that welcomes the elite of society. Built in the 1990s in the Liberty style, the hotel was built in the 1960s and was in its original state. The amphibious stanze, the panoramic terrace and the scalinate ricochet of the muschio offer a fascinating and romantic scenario for you to hope for in a decadent and fascinating story.

4. La Fabbrica Snia Viscosa (Cremona)

Another gioiello dell'archeologia industriale Lombarda è la Fabbrica Snia Viscosa , situata a pochi chilometri da Cremona. This huge industrial complex, at a time when it produces a synthetic material, has been abandoned and in place. The vast industrial area, with many arrugginiti and the fatiscent structure offers a suggestive scenario for urban explorers who see the darkest and most decadent della Lombardia.

5. Il Villaggio Operaio di Crespi d'Adda (Bergamo)

However, it is not completely abandoned, the Villaggio Operaio di Crespi d'Adda deserves a position in this list for its historical and cultural value. This industrial villa, built at the end of the 19th century to sponsor a textile manufacturer, is a UNESCO heritage site. Any part of the villa, like the factory and other residential buildings, its abbandonate, but the atmosphere of the house offers a perfect combination of industrial and mister history.


Lombardy, with its industrial history and its historic history, offers a wide variety of sites that are truly attractive to Urbex lovers. Dai manicomi alle fabbriche, passando per ville and hotel in rovina, ogni angolo di questa regione nasconde storie affascinanti di decadenza e mistero. Sei alla ricerca di avventure urbane tra vine e memorie dimenticate, questi cinque siti in Lombardia ti offeranno an’esperienza indimenticabile e suggestiva.

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