Top 5 of Migliori Siti di Urbex Imperdibili in Sardegna

Scopri i 5 migliori siti di urbex in Lombardia: luoghi abbandonati e imperdibili per gli appassionati di esplorazioni urbane, tra fascino e mistero!

La Sardegna, famous for its heavenly spiagge and its delicious mozzarella, is also a lato meno noto e affascinante: i suoi siti abbandonati . This is the story of an industrial, mineral and military pass, offering a love of Urbex (urban exploration) the opportunity to hope for more than 100 years. Mining slab with military structure, Sardinia offers a range of suggestions and misteriosi. There are five migliori in Urbex in Sardinia that cannot be lost.

1. La Miniera di Montevecchio (Guspini)

A most iconic mete of the Urbex in Sardegna at the Minera di Montevecchio , a tempo of a greatest mining industry in Europe. Abbandonata negli anni '90, questa vasta area mineraria offers a fascinating scenario of industrial archaeology, with fatiscenti structure, with macchinari and underground tunnel. Explore this location and come to take a route through the heart of the sardonic mining story, dove the shadow of the passato is still palpable.

2. The Military Battery of Capo d'Orso (Palau)

The Military Battery of Capo d'Orso was a structure constructed at the start of the 20th century to defend the coast of Sardinia during the Second World War. When there is conflict, the battery offers an incredible panorama of the sea and an atmosphere of solitude and decadence. The artiglieria torrette, the bunker and the underground gallery are perfetti per chirca un'esperienza di Urbex in a unique historical and natural contest.

3. Il Villaggio Asproni (Iglesias)

Il Villaggio Asproni , located next to Iglesias, is an old building built to exploit the carbon mining area. Abbandonato da decade, the villaggio è ora a sieme di caso in rovina, uffici e strutture industriali invase dalla vegetazione. Camminare per le strade deserte di questo luogo offers a fascinating immersion in the industrial passato della Sardegna.

4. La Miniera di Ingurtosu (Arbus)

Another imperishable mineral site at the Mining of Ingurtosu , located in the region of the Medio Campidano. This mine of wood and zinc, built in the 19th century at the end of the '50s, was a vast and complete abandonment of the ministries, minatories and construction projects. The current situation, selvaggio and incontaminato, makes the hope of exploration even more suggestive.

5. The Colonia Penale di Tramariglio (Alghero)

It was built in the 1930s during the fascist regime, the Colonia Penale di Tramariglio was located near Alghero and was abandoned by the great fascism. This ex-colonia agricola is supposed to be owned by the land that is part of the loro percorso di riabilitazione. Gli edifici, ora in rovina, offerrono una visione unique di un capitolo obscuro della storia italiana, en un contesto naturale che affaccia surul mare.


La Sardegna, another of its natural beauties, is one of the reasons that it offers the love of Urbex a unique hope, a story and mistero. Mining slab dismantled by a military structure and insidious fantasy, which represents an opportunity to take advantage of a small construction of the island. Sei alla ricerca di avventura e fascino decadente, questi cinque siti in Sardegna ti regaleranno an’perienza indimenticabile tra vine e memorie del passato.

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