Top 5 Must-See Urbex Sites near Fribourg

The Fribourg region of Switzerland is known for its picturesque landscapes and rich historical heritage. Less known, but equally fascinating, are the abandoned sites, perfect for urban exploration, or urbex , enthusiasts. These mysterious places, vestiges of a bygone era, offer a unique atmosphere and a window into the past. Here is a selection of the five must-see urbex sites to discover around Fribourg.

1: The Old Cigar Factory of Morat

Located about 20 km from Fribourg, the Ancienne Fabrique de Cigares de Morat is a must-see site for urbex enthusiasts. Abandoned for several decades, this factory offers a disused industrial setting where rusty machines and old equipment bear witness to the history of the tobacco industry in Switzerland. The place is particularly popular with photographers for its play of light through the broken windows.

Site Features

  • Infrastructure: Production halls, warehouses, offices.
  • State of Disrepair: Moderate, with collapsed areas.
  • Access: Relatively easy, although some areas are dangerous.

2: The Abandoned Sanatorium of Leysin

An hour's drive from Fribourg, the Leysin Sanatorium is a legendary place for urban explorers. Built in the early 20th century to treat tuberculosis patients, this immense complex is now abandoned. The long deserted corridors, treatment rooms and dilapidated bedrooms offer an exploration that is both fascinating and full of history.

Site Features

  • Facilities: Rooms, treatment rooms, common rooms.
  • State of Disrepair: Advanced, but some parts are still accessible.
  • Access: Difficult, due to altitude and weather conditions.

3: The Abandoned Factory of Bulle

The Abandoned Factory in Bulle is another must-see urbex site, located about 30 km from Fribourg. Once a thriving production center, this factory is now abandoned, overgrown with vegetation. The vast industrial buildings, long-stalled machines and deserted offices provide an ideal setting for urban explorers.

Site Features

  • Infrastructure: Industrial buildings, machines, offices.
  • State of Disrepair: Moderate, some parts are dangerous.
  • Access: Relatively easy, but the interior is unstable.

4: The Abandoned Castle of Gruyères

The Abandoned Castle of Gruyères , although partially restored, retains parts inaccessible to the public, ideal for urbex. This castle, located about 35 km from Fribourg, offers breathtaking views of the surrounding region. The abandoned sections of the castle, with their collapsed walls and deserted rooms, create an intriguing medieval atmosphere.

Site Features

  • Infrastructure: Towers, abandoned rooms, basements.
  • State of Disrepair: Moderate, some parts are dangerous.
  • Access: Difficult, with sections closed to the public.

5: The Abandoned Station of Payerne

About forty kilometers from Fribourg, the Abandoned Train Station of Payerne is a fascinating place for urbex enthusiasts. This station, once an important transit point, is now abandoned. The deserted platforms, ruined buildings and tracks overgrown with vegetation offer an exploration full of nostalgia.

Site Features

  • Infrastructure: Platforms, station buildings, railway tracks.
  • State of Disrepair: Advanced, with parts in ruins.
  • Access: Relatively easy, although some areas are dangerous.


The Fribourg region is full of fascinating urbex sites, each with its own charm and history. Whether you are drawn to abandoned industry, neglected sanatoriums or ruined castles, these places will offer you an unforgettable urban exploration experience. Remember to respect the places during your visits, taking care not to damage this forgotten heritage.

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