Urbex Italy

La Mappa Urbex Nord Italia 2023 is all our information collected, all our information collected. Più di 460 coordinates my abbandonati in all countries.

The number of urban positions on the map changes accordingly with the coordinated and adjusted aggiunta.

urbex italy


How can I access my card?

Hai accesso alla tua carta soon dopo l'acquisto. No, this is a problem that confirms that it is invalid, the system is completely automated.

What does it mean? Once you have purchased it, you will receive an email containing a map in KMZ format after accessing Google Earth or using the “Google Maps” smartphone application.

Is it available on my map?

◉ Castelli - Dimore - Sanatori

◉ City - House - School

◉ Hotel - Ristoranti - Chiese

◉ Fabbriche - Barracks - Bunker

◉ Cinema - Discoteche - Ospedali

Regular updates

We have agreed to contact you via e-mail if you agree to the final position of the city, but you also have the possibility of making it inaccessible or otherwise.

This is an aggiornamenti based on your feedback, on the feedback of our partners and on our research/projects.

Please note that this communication is due to damage or demolition, corresponding data (photos, current articles, etc.), please send 2 weeks free to you.


◉ Assicurarsi che non sia pericolo.

◉ Do not scare.

◉ Do not rub anything.

◉ Do not degrade the environment.

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